Minor Operations

For the convenience of patients, we offer a range of minor surgical procedures at the surgery. These may otherwise require referral to the hospital, which would involve a lengthy delay, and less flexibility and choice of when the procedure is carried out.

If you have a problem that you think might require a minor operation, please see a doctor first to discuss what might be involved. If the doctor agrees, you will then be invited to make an appointment for the procedure, but please stress to the receptionist that it is for a minor operation. This is so that a longer appointment can be made with both the doctor and the practice nurse at the same time.

When you attend for the minor operation, the procedure, risks and possible complications will be explained, and you will usually be asked to sign a consent form. Any tissue that is removed during the procedure will usually be sent to the hospital laboratory for further analysis to ensure that there is no unexpected or sinister cause for the problem. It usually takes about eight weeks for these results to come back. You will be asked to contact the surgery after this time for the results.